Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We regard our members' privacy as one of our most important values. As you may be concerned about what we do with your personal and financial information, we want you to know how we protect our member information as we service your account. We understand that for you to take full advantage of Britt World Wide's services, we must ensure that your privacy is secure.  We believe this policy should give you confidence whenever you use our services.

You have our assurance that:

We are committed always to safeguarding your privacy.

We go to reasonable lengths to safeguard your privacy from outside intrusion. Your information is located on a secure server and protected by what we believe is state-of-the-art security technology.

Britt World Wide does not collect personally identifying information about you except when you specifically and voluntarily provide it.

We will ask you to provide us personal information, such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and other personally identifying information. When ordering our service, you may be asked to provide a credit card number. A technology called "cookies" can be used to provide tailored information from a website. A cookie is an element of data that a website can store on your system. Our members can use cookies so they do not have to re-enter Phone Numbers and Passwords each time they access their personal websites. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the opportunity to decline or accept it.

We only use your personal information to help us service your account, to improve our services to you, and to inform you about new developments and additional Britt World Wide services. Only those who must service your account may access your personal information, and they have limited access only as needed to perform their duties.  Britt World Wide and all Britt World Wide employees are strictly accountable to applicable privacy laws.

We do not sell information about you to third parties.

In no instance is your personal information bought, traded, or sold to any other party, including market research or telemarketing corporations, for commercial purposes. We do not give out your phone number, credit card information, or screen names to anyone.  Other websites you might visit while connected to your Britt World Wide website may have their own privacy policies or no policy at all.  Britt World Wide has no control over the operation of those websites, and we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any websites you visit before providing them with any of your personal information.

We protect your account on the secure portion of our website.

We constantly reevaluate our security system and take whatever measures we believe are appropriate to protect the privacy of our members' personal information. You are encouraged to take all necessary and appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of your Password and Security Code, to help prevent any improper or unauthorized use, including changing them periodically and using Passwords and Security Codes that are randomized combinations of letters and numbers rather that common words or simplistic combinations of letters and/or numbers.

You have the right to access and correct your personal information and privacy preferences.

You may change your user preferences at any time by linking to your website account.

If you believe there has been a violation of this policy, or if you have any question about it, we urge you to contact Britt World Wide so that we can take appropriate action.  Please note that we may from time to time modify our privacy policy. You should review this page from time to time to make certain that you are familiar with the most current version of our privacy policy.

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